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Angelic Reiki is completely non-invasive and with quick and long lasting results. By activating the archetypal angelic energies which reside in the Universe and within all of us, I am holding you in a place of pure love and perfect balance, a high vibrational state that enables you to restore your natural state of health and happiness. Often times, the process is assisted by Ascended Masters and other Light Beings, providing their support for your highest good.

The healing is addressing all the aspects of the person receiving the energy: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is working on a multidimensional level, therefore it can be done hands-on or remotely, both ways being equally effective. More so, the energy can be sent into the past or future, otherwise said, to whenever and wherever healing is required.

It it very important to recognise that you are always the one healing yourself in all ways by your Divine Will. My role is that of observing you as Divine Presence, in a state of complete balance and harmony. By doing so, this is enabling you to acknowledge yourself as such and this instantly removes all fears and limiting mental constructs, that may prevent you from manifesting yourself as perfectly healthy at all levels. 

Although  immediate signs of improvement are to be expected, please keep in mind that the healing process will unfold at many different levels. Some of these may not be apparent in the first stage, however these usually lead to significant and profound shifts going forwards.

You can find more information about Angelic Reiki on the association's official website.

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The Angelic Reiki Sessions are 60 minutes long and

they can be done in person or remotely.


The fees are as follows:

- GBP 60 for a 60 minutes long session

- GBP 220 for 4x 60 minutes long sessions

The schedule and fees for longer term healing programs

will be agreed privately.​

Payments can be made cash, via PayPal at

or through bank transfer.

Thank you for your presence!


+44 7479 145 045

Forfar, Angus I Scotland, UK

©2018 by Namura's World

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