The Dawn of the Age of Aquarius

Dear all,
Today marks the transition of Pluto from Capricorn into Aquarius and to me this feels like a huge shift of paradigm taking place.
Recently, I got the clear message that many of us have been intensively prepared for a while now, each according to their abilities and roles.
I personally felt that during many nights part of me has been transported to a different realm where I was doing specific work. I know others had similar experiences, and, again, other people had a completely different type of training and everyone went though multiple levels and stages.
In any case, on top of this, we all had to do a lot of work on ourselves on the 3d level, to heal and clear enough of our past wounds so that we can assume our roles.
This is one of the reasons why many of us felt somewhat stuck for a while now at the level of their 3D experience, because our energy was mainy utilised at a different level.
This planetary shift feels to me like a huge event, where these aspects of us that have been in preparation are now coming to fully join us on Earth at this time.
We are witnessing a massive, precisely orchestrated landing on Earth, through and beyond each of us, akin to a Soul Retrieval of the Human Collective.
The purpose of this event is to take over power on Earth. Not by force, but by retrieving and assuming our own personal power. This integration requires of course a frequency adjustment, and it enables a quantum jump in the collective.
We are getting access to a lot of new information, coming through in different shapes and forms (a lot of it as light codes and algorithms), however, there’s a common ground behind it, that feels more significant than any details that we might perceive.
This overarching energy has the depth and vastness of the whole Universe.
Connecting to it is opening ourselves to that sense of oneness with everything, where everything feels right, simply because we can experience ourselves beyond fear, doubt and judgement. It’s also beyond need, desire and even choice. Choice becomes simply unnecessary, when you are one with everything and thus everything is already available to you.
At this time, we are being guided to keep our focus on this experience of oneness and true Being, and not to worry too much about the details of what and how needs to unfold.
We are being collectively reintegrated and reborn in our wholeness and holiness as a species.
This is the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, we are one and many, and that’s where our power lies.
Blessings and much love to all,